MAX7219 0.56" 8 Digit Display
An 8 Digit LED display with a 0.56" Red LED display.
The board uses the MAX7219 display driver chip and can be driven from any micro-controller such as PIC, Arduino or ESP8266's.

4 Digit Display With Bar Graph
An 4 digit display with 0.56" high LED digits. 24 LED's in a bar graph design. Speaker for alert tones. The board uses a MAX7219 and an Arduino library is available to get you up a running quickly.
4 Digit Display With Bar Graph
An 4 digit display with 0.56" high LED digits. 16 LED's in a bar grapgh design. Speaker for alert tones. The board uses a MAX7219 and an Arduino library is available to get you up a running quickly.
4 Digit Display With Bar Graph - Wemos Version
An 4 digit display with 0.56" high LED digits.
16 LED's in a bar grapgh design. Speaker for alert tones.
The board uses a MAX7219 and an Arduino library is available to get you up a running quickly.

MAX7219 Dual VU Meter
A dual VU style bar graph LED display with a 4 digit 7-segment display (0.36") all driven by a MAX7219 display driver.
The MAX7219 is mounted on the front and a 6 pin 2.54mm header is used for connections.

8 Digit LED Display
An 8 digit display with 0.56" high LED displays. Also 3 push buttons and a speaker with driver for making alert tones. The board uses a MAX7219 and an Arduino library is available to get you up and running quickly.
8 Digit LED Display
An 8 digit display with 0.56" high LED displays. Also a digital rotary encoder and a speaker with driver for making alert tones. The board uses a MAX7219 and an Arduino library is available to get you up and running quickly.
Wemos MAX7219 Backboard
A backboard controller for our LED display boards, this version is for use with a Wemos D1 Mini (not supplied).
It has connections for a SCT013 - 100A/50mA current transformer, and a 4 pin connector for several popular I2C sensor boards, including the UV VEML6070 sensor.

Arduino MAX7219 Backboard
A back board controller for our LED display boards, this version is for use with a Arduino Nano (not supplied).
It has connections for I2C (4 pin JST) and a 16 bit 4 channel A/D ADS1115 module (not supplied).

Dot Matrix Controller Using a Wemos D1 Mini. Can be used with the 4 digit MAX7219 LED board listed below
The board mounts on the back of the matrix module and also has a socket for the popular Wemos D1 Mini ESP8266 module, plus a small speaker for alert tones and connections for additional I/O. The board mounts using 2off 5pin headers directly to the rear of the matrix board making a very simple and functional Wi-Fi enabled matrix display. It is also possible the connect several matrix boards all driven by the Wemos board to make a larger message display. Please note that the Wemos can only power 1 display module if more are used then an external 5V supply is required.
MAX7219 Dot Matrix Module
A single module with 4off 8x8 dot matrix displays and 4off MAX7219 driversDisplay colour: RED
Operating Voltage: 5V
Dimensions: 130mm x 32mm x 19mm
Module with input and output interfaces, support for cascading multiple modules
The left side of the module to the input port, the right to an output port

ESP8266 4 Digit Display With Rotary Encoder
The display is a 4 digit display using a MAX7219 display driver. The module is made up of two 2 digit LED displays, a 10 pin 2.54mm header is provided for connections. Also mounted on the board is a rotary encoder and a speaker with transistor driver. The speaker input is at logic level and active high, ideal for alert tones. ESP8266 options, either a Wemos D1 Mini or external Arduino/Raspberry Pi via a 10 way Header Connection (10 pin 2.54mm Header).
Compass Style LED Display
This compass style display has a two line 6 digit (3 plus 3) display using a MAX7219 display driver. The module is made up of two 6 digit LED displays plus 16 off 5mm LED’s in a compass layout with 22.5° increments. Connection is either via a 6 pin 2.54mm header, mounted on the rear. Making it ideal for use with any microcontroller including Arduino boards. There is also on the rear a two 8 pin socket for a Wemos D1 Mini ESP8266 development board.
16 Digit LED Display
An 16 digit display with 0.36" high LED displays.The board uses two MAX7219 driver chips and an Arduino library is available to get you up and running quickly.

16 Digit LED Display With Encoder
An 16 digit display with 0.36" high LED displays.The board uses two MAX7219 driver chips and an Arduino library is available to get you up and running quickly. Also included is a rotary encoder and two push buttons.